The Paisan
Helps you find best movies or TV series for you based on your reviews and recommend friends or helps in connecting with people.
*Theme settings will be saved for your next visit
Design, code and handles quality backend projects and leverage my experience building responsive and scalable APIs
I build new projects, primarily in Python, that solves real world problems (or atleast try to solve 😁)
While I keep making projects, I read about new technologies
Backend Developer with primary focus on Django & Django Rest Framework + (Message Queues, Brokers) : Download Resume
Helps you find best movies or TV series for you based on your reviews and recommend friends or helps in connecting with people.
A student's work community, where they collaborate and work with other students on a project with similar interests, skills.
Backen APIs built using django rest framework and has all the features (Vendor and Customer) of a food delivery app, say Zomato.
A Decentralized Ethereum Voting Application built using solidity, python, django and Ethereum dev tools (ganache, truffle)
A Decentralized Ethereum Blockchain backed blogging site, which runs on smart contract made using solidity, react,anache, truffle.